Monday, June 20, 2022

48 hours

Well just a little over 48 hours that these babes have been here. They have been doing really well. The boy who has yet to be named was so hard to feed, he would suck a bottle for all of 2 seconds and decide he was done...well thats not conducive to a kitten who needs to grow so I put him in my emoty bathtub last name and gave him a small bit of canned food with hos formula, he ATE, he ate well. Then I put Oleana in with him and she ate not as well as her brother but she still wants a bottle so I'm not to concerened. I woke up to a very stinky newborn box, yep they are using the bathroom on their own much of the time, this means that newborn boxes are no long suitable. I have a spare dog kennel that I used screening to shorten the wire spacing so neither can wander off. I loved them in with their heartbeat cat and added a small litterpan, in the past I have ad to show them what to do a few times but generally cats are probably the easiest animal to house train. They also have more room and now have a view of the room and people, pets around them so they are much more vocal than they were. This is good as it means they enjoy the company of people which will help them to find their furever home. I imagine these 2 will be with me for about 2.5-3 weeks more and then be off to another foster home where they will be raised with other cats and learn how to be cats. Bottle feeders typically do not get to learn normal cat bahaviour from mom and it is something they need so other cats can teac them. Weights for today B & w - 264G a gain of only 4g, but still a gain none the less Tabby - 290G a gain of 12G ...Fantastic.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

They arrived.

My first 2 babies of this season arrived yesterday afternoon. A boy not named yet and girl "Oleana" not sure how to say it or even if I spelled it right but either way both babies are in good health and are aout 3 weeks old. I don't know their story in full as far as I can remember their mom was just being to rough with them so they needed to be saved from harm. Mammals usually make the best moms, I assume she was young and maybe not mature enough to be a mommy just yet. She won't have another chance as the rescue will spay her before she is up for adoption. They did really well through their first night, I expected them to be little menaces but it wasn't them waking me up, it was me waking them up for feeding etc. Today they have been fed about every 3 hrs and I gave them some wet food. Thankfully I remembered how messy learning to eat food kittens are and fed them in the bathtub, a super easy place to clean so them making a mess is not a ton of work. Olean weighed 260G which was gain increase of 14 G the wee lad weighed 290 neither a gain or loss from him. However it could be that the weights are off from yesterday because I used a different scale. I will know more tomorrow about their weights. We added a new family member just over 2 years ago, Phoebe is a hairless chinese crested and cute as heck. I introuduced her to them this morning, she loves them and wants to play with them, they are able to walk quite quickly so they have been following her around when they are out for feeds.She was super mad at me yesterday about them so I figured introducing them would make her less mad....I'm glad I did. I will post pics of them if I can ever get them to be still enough to actually get pics that are not blurry. I will be doing my best to update abot them daily. It may be just weight posts or might be a little longer. These last 6 weeks or so have been so hard, so emotional and stressful, but rescue gives me a purpose, it gives me happiness and much happiness. I feel like me again.

Friday, June 17, 2022


It has been a VERY long time since I last posted. I have still beein doing rescue work but haven't actually had many rescues in the past years. My first year I bottlefed I think 80 something during that kitten season. Than life got busy and I haven't now for a few years, mainly because I wasn't able to dedicate the time that bottle feeders need. Its a lot of work, weighing, feeding, cleaning, supervising, vet visits etc etc. Recently my circumstances have changed and am so excited to be getting 4 bottle feeders about a week old tomorrow. I am very excited. I will be doing the blog thing again for these 4 babes daily so you can all follow their time with me and of course I will be posting a ton of pics.