Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Great day with the duo

Josie and Toby are doing amazingly well, they have kind of restored my faith in my ability to do this job. It's been a year fill with losses but these 2 are so strong and gaining weight I KNOW they are going to be fine. Today they have the corners of their eyes open and they started purring today so they are right on target for my estimated age of now 6 days old. I expect that Josie will have her eyes fully opened by Saturday and Toby I suspect will be a day behind. I love their eyes opening, they are so hazy and still can't see so well but they look so crosseyed and goofy looking lol. Toby has a bit of an ear fetish, when I held him up to my shoulder to burp him, he latched right on my ear and started sucking away. Neither baby had pooped for me since they arrived on Monday, so today they went off to the vet and learned how to give little tiny enemas to kittens. The vet did it this time and the results for Josie were amazing, pretty good for Toby as well but Josie impressed me the most with results. You are probably thinking I am crazy getting excited over poop but it's very dangerous to not get rid of that excess waste so YES I get excited. As long as the clogs have been removed I shouldn't ever have to put into practice what I learned today, maybe part of my excitement is relief, I really wasn't relishing the thought of shoving something up their tiny bums. I was kinda worried that since they did finally go that their weight loss wouldn't be anything great and perhaps maybe a small loss but when I weighed them today I got a happy surprise. Josie weighed 209G yesterday and 24hrs later she weighs 218, not a big gain by any means but 9g isn't what I was expecting. Toby was 212 24hrs ago and now is 240 a 28G gain, now that's a HUGE gain. I do expect though that once his bowels are cleaned out, it won't be THAT much of a gain, but hopefully he won't lose ALL of those 28 so very important grams. Both babies have put themselves on their own schedules of feeding every 3 hours thru the day, I listen for them to wake me at night as does our parrot (who returns their hollers with one of his own) but they didn't get us up last night at all and were not overly starved when they did finally get me up at 6am, and their weight gains signals that they are doing fine and they do know when they want to eat. No pics tonight, maybe tomorrow.

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