Saturday, July 21, 2012

it's been a REALLY Hard week

This week has been really hard, stressful and quite nerve racking. On Monday Toby started with some minor diarreah which is pretty common among bottle feeding newborns, but like with any newborn that suffers from this, it can cause dehyrdation really fast and within hrs can be fatal if you are not paying attention. I did everything in my power to make it stop, fed ground rice, kaopectate, diluting formula but nothing I did worked. For 2 days this continued and it wasn't terrible. But Wednesday things went south, both him and Josie had it, Toby with the worst of it, it was just fountaining out of him, it was so bad and such a mess. No sooner would I clean his papers and I would have to do it again. I took them to the vet who tested them for just about everything and came up with nothing, which was good news. She couldn't offer any suggestions other than to keep doing what I was doing and gave the usual lecture "Kittens sometimes just fail and die quickly, no matter what we do". Needless to say those were not the words I wanted to hear. She did say that maybe adding some canned food to their formula would help "thicken" them up some, I tried that it didn't work. By Thursday both babies had lost so much weight, I really felt like it was hopeless and thought for sure they would both pass. Friday morning they were still alive and still had the a last resort I decided to stop the kitten food, and remove the canned formula and give them just the powdered KMR....this I am happy to say has been successful and today they are eating beautifully and pooping so much better than they were. I actually started to see improvement by yesterday afternoon. I am SOOOOO relieved and my confidence has returned. This has been such a bad year and these 2 started out so healthy and did so well, that I felt they were just the 2 babies I needed to restore my faith in myself as a bottle feeder, when things started to crash so did the faith in myself and abilities. The crisis is far from over but for now it has decreased and both bubs remain stable, though very dirty from their ordeal and their tiny bums are so sore. There was no point in dunking them in water anymore to clean them, am gonna give them til Monday to restore some strength and recover a bit more, then I will bathe them and get them cleaned up. Normally I would start weaning at 3 weeks of age, by adding food to their formula and then from dishes a week later, but given this past week I am going to hold off on weaning them until they are more ready. I am just not feeling to relaxed about doing anything more to their gut as it heals. they will be taking probiotics for the next week or so and once they are "normal" kittens without any issues than and only then will I start weaning and I imagine that unless they protest I will go very slowly with it. So thats my update, no weights for today as I weigh at 4pm and you really don't wanna know how their weights were all week, as it would probably make you cry and feel as anxious as I do about it all.

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