You know what happens when you give kittens canned food for one of their first times?? let's just say, my floors needed washed, my cupboards needed a wipe down and the kittens themselves needed a good wash as well (thanks Ruby). What a mess it makes, truthfully I don't know if they even managed to eat any or if they just got it all over themselves. Again the girls were not impressed and seems more concerned about the food all over their paws, there is hope though that when they groomed themselves that they may have actually ingested some food. I went tonight and bought them some dry kitten food, I hope that I can make it less wet and messy that the girls will try it. Arthur eats pretty darn well, but this last feed he just made a mess.
With them eating solids a couple times of day now, they are drinking from their bottles less, but when they do take a bottle, they usually take just under an oz per kitten, that seems like a lot. I stopped putting the colic drops in their bottles, and I'm not sure of its the food or the lack of gas drops but let me tell you 1 of these babies is more than capable of stinking me out of my very own house lol.
Muffy's bottom was healed and looking good....until tonight, it started to bleed again, not much but again it isn't normal, it makes me wonder if maybe she has something dietary going on, or if she is maybe a wee bit constipated. Much to her disgust I ran a warm water drip faucet over her to stimulate her. She was horrified and screamed her fool head off, and as usual she hasn't let me down, she still has the loudest voice of the 3 lol.
Weights are up for all 3, Looks like the no gain for Kate yesterday was just a fluke. So here are their weights for these 22 day old babies.
Muffy - 12.8oz up from 11.9 yesterday
Arthur - 13.9oz up from 13.5
Kate - 13.1 up from 12.9, so while its not a huge gain, it's a gain just the same.
While I am really glad that they are doing well and growing up, it makes me sad to know that very soon, my time with these guys will be done. Soon they will be placed in another home and I will have so much free time, I'm not quite sure what I will do to fill my time lol.
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