Wednesday, May 4, 2011

So close

the 3 bubs are so close to having doubled their birth weight. This is usually done by the end of the first week when the Queen takes care of her own babies, these guys do not have that advantage so they are a bit behind, but they are now just a day or of meeting that. They are no longer in single digit for age, this morning they turned 10 days old, it's their 7th with me as kitty momma. Every day I love them a bit more than I did the day before. Giving them up is going to be really tough and heartbreaking. I'm not sure if I will get info on them at all after they leave here or if they just go and I get to imagine that they are all living in giant kitten castles and eating cavier!

Muffy's eyes are now fully opened, and they are so cute, they obviously do not have much vision at this point those peepers should be peeping really well within another week or so. Arthur has a bit of an infection so I am treating that for him.

My dog Ruby, is a mini poodle. She is very self absorbed and quite noisy. Her main purpose in life is to drive me crazy and she succeeds many times on any given day lol. When mom and babies came Ruby was terrified, wouldn't even come into the room they were all in, avoided them like a human would avoid the plague, or rabies. She has come full circle, she has gone from being terrified of these new beings to being a mom. The other day just out of the blue she started licking the babies, she did a few licks on each one and walked away. From there things have progressed, from quick licks to guarding, to waste stimulation. Ruby is my faithful bum it's crazy, and never again will she lick my face or any one else's. She also sleeps very close to the box and the instant those babies make the slightest peep she is right at the box getting it open to check on what the problem is. If I am holding a babe, she has to come and sit right beside me and she keeps her eyes on me the entire time. I expected her to want to mother them but not to this degree, she is so gentle and so attentive to these babies who are not even feline form. I can only imagine what the kittens must be thinking when they are being forced to use the bathroom by a dog lol.

Weights continue to rise and I am getting my confidence back, I didn't sleep much last night for fear someone would have made an exit during the night, thankfully my 3 thriving kittens are doing really well.

their weights are as follows:

Muffy didn't gain as much but she is still doing very well, she gained 5G and is now up to 193G

Kate made a huge gain and is soon to be "not the smallest" she gained 15G and is now at 192G

Arthur as usual gained a fantastic amount and gained 18G and is now 221G

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