Friday, May 13, 2011


I am so proud of my babies. Not quite 3 weeks old and 1 of the 3 is using the litterbox on her own regularly, thats impressive and exciting. I am afraid to blink anymore for fear they will have grown up all the way in the .2 seconds I wasted blinking lol.

I tried to post last night but blogger was in read only format. Muffy's vet visit went well, thankfully it isn't a big problem. She thinks its from the babies suckling on her, she gave me some mineral jelly to rub onto her after she goes but said the best thing really for her is to hurry up and start using the potty on her own, she is the one who still needs to be stimulated to go, the other 2 can mostly go on their own but Arthur still needs to be started, he can finish on his own. Kate seems to be able to fully go all on her own. Kate is now starting to groom herself which is great.

The vet said it was ok to drop the night feeds if they are willing, so I did last night..nobody woke me up, needless to say when I woke up this morning, I felt rested and a bit nervous. But they all did well all thru the night, I fed them last at just after 11 and was up before them this morning, they went just a bit longer than 7 hrs. They were hungry when they got up this morning, but not any more than any other time.

2 days until my teeny tiny babies are 3 weeks old...than the fun begins, we start solids and they grow into actual kittens who will be able to survive in the big world.

Since I couldn't post last night here are their weights from then:

Muffy, 295G a small gain but satisfactory

Kate - 332G a significant gain for her

Arthur - 325G another big gain for him.

I will put anew post tonight with weighst from today, providing of course that blogger is fixed now

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