Tuesday, April 3, 2012

so tired

I didn't update yesterday due to having a super busy house hold and I was up with my daughter the night before so I was exhausted.

I started them on solids as I had planned and so far things are messy but going as they should. They walk through the food, track it all over and then lick whats left off their paws. Weaning is a messy job and much more time consuming then bottle feeding as you need to make sure they are all getting some and learning. Ross so far is the weaning champ, he has taken to the kitten food like a champ. Joey much prefers to play in it, and Phoebe, well she isn't to interested at this point. They got 1 try yesterday, today another will be added etc etc. Until they are weaned onto food 100%. I typically do not take away their night time bottles until they choose to give them up, if they are slow on giving up I give them a boost by offering them a bottle of water instead of formula providing their gain is good and they have eaten well during the day.

Weights are doing well with Ross at 382G Joey at 393G and Phoebe at 312G. Phoebe is catching up slowly, but she is getting there. Now that solids have started they should start packing on within the next few days.


We have successfully completed 2 full solid feeds today, Ross is loving it and is now starting to refuse his bottle, I need him to hang tight for another few days so I can make sure that he is eating enough solids to grow. Joey has also fought his bottle all day long, he isn't to great on the solids so if he wants to be done and a "big boy" he needs to start eating more cat food. Phoebe, eats some but she still prefers her bottle over anything.

These are the 3 stinkiest kitties I have ever smelled, when I take the kid of the baby bucket all you can smell is them, it's in their fur. I bathed them again today b/c I just couldn't stand the smell, now all I have are perfumed stinky kittens, no idea why they smell so bad, but they do stink terrible.

All 3 have also been more successful today using the litter box, which is great news but they are still going wherever they are, and then they have no qualms about laying in it, this is unusual cat behaviour so it confuses me as cats as a rule DO Not sleep where they go the bathroom. I suspect it might have somethign to do with their mom and maybe not seeing her use the box enough to get an idea, or maybe they were born outside and mom just went wherever and they learned that, Who knows. I am going to get serious with them tomorrow on it as it is not acceptable to have a cat that will not use the box adoption wise.

Anyway thats all, I am off to bed.

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