Thursday, April 5, 2012

winding down

My time with these 3 is running short. They are down to 1 bottle a day and are eating so well. As of yesterday they are fully litter trained and ready to learn how to be big cats. They don't smell near as bad as they did, they smell pretty normal now. I was watching them play today, I love to watch them go from helpless beings who really can't do much at all to running, jumping playing balls of energy.

I made the call yesterday that they will probably be ready to go to their next home, Monday or so a home is being searched for them. At the next phase they will get to learn all the things I can't teach them, things that they can only learn from another cat. they will need to learn kitten manners and what is acceptable and what isn't, when they are ready to graduate from there they are up for adoption, kittens generally get adopted pretty quickly due the fact that they are babies and adjust better than some adult cats who are pretty set in their ways.

This also means that my blogging for this group will come to an end, at this stage there isn't much more for me to write a they have grown up successfully and milestones all met.

I do however leave you with these 2 videos of them playing. Enjoy and next time you see me I will have a new batch of babies to raise and grow.

2 brothers beat up on little sister who does hold her own quite well

Ross has discovered that toys really can be and are lots of fun to play with, so is chasing words on a newspaper lol.

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