Monday, May 14, 2012

been busy

I'm sorry its been a busy weekend here and by the time I am settled at night I have either forgotten or am to tired. I have been taking advantage of our beautiful weather as well. Jack and Lexi are one month old today and are doing pretty well. Its been fun watching them grow and change every day! Jack has started running and trying to jump a little bit, he is very snuggly and like all the attention for himself. lexi is cuddly as well though she is a bit more picky and it must be on her terms, and if she has had enough she will let out this god awful yell, that if you didn't know any better you might think she was being killed in the most painful way possible. I started them on solids yesterday and they don't like it much, its much more fun to walk in and thru it and than leave little kitten foot prints all over the floor, in their bed that I just cleaned etc etc. Both kittens are pooping machines today though so that might account for the lack of gain. Jack is using his litter box consistently while Lexi has just started to use the box, she is quite a bit smaller than jack so we had to make some modifications to encourage her to actually get in the box. She might be a bit prissy or snobbish b/c when you place her in the box, she lifts up her feet one by one and screams at you as if to say "wth are you doing to me now, this place stinks you silly human". She is catching on just not as quick as Jack. Jack has the most beautiful markings a circle on either side of stomach, a spotted tummy and striped legs he is stunning. Lexi is the same but she is a little more faded then Jack. Their weights concern me but I'm not going to freak out just yet. They have increased their feeds but you wouldn't know it by looking at the scale. Some things to remember are: Kittens who are weaning do tend to drop a little weight, now while they haven't lost they haven't gained tons. Their activity leval is increasing so they are burning calories Worms! most kittens have worms and one of the signs of worms is weight loss or lack of gain I de-wormed them today in hopes that they have some and this will fix the issue and they start packing on the grams soon again. Lexi's weight today was 260, the same the was on Friday. Jack's weight was 332 a gain of only 5G since Friday. If their weight doesn't improve by Wednesday I am afraid a vet visit will be in order for them. They do not seem sick in anyway so I'm not sure what the vet would do or say but for now I am just giving them another day to show me that they are in fact ok. Saturday we got a new addition. Krissy is about the same age as the other 2 fluffier and was starved for attention and affection. I will give you more details on Krissy tomorrow (I promise to not get to tired or forget) Now for some pics. This is Jack, how cute is he. Photobucket The adorable face seen here is Lexi Photobucket Jack loves the camera Photobucket Little Lexi had to be held to let me take her pic she is a squirmy girl Photobucket And Meet Krissy, a little fluffball Photobucket Krissy again Photobucket

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