Thursday, May 10, 2012

YAY Lexi

Lexi has always been smaller then Jack, but she is creeping up to him ever so slowly. She has surpassed the 1/2lb mark, way to grow Lex. They have adjusted to their feeds at every 4 hrs and their weight gain is awesome. Providing this goes well I may start to wean next week. Usually I start when they turn 4 weeks old but they need a little longer given their size. If they are accepting of solid food being given they may be fully weaned in as little as 2 weeks. They have caught up developmentally to kittens who are the same date as them rather than corrected age. They are walking so much better and someone, I'm not sure who but someone left me a puddle in the litter box, and of course someone left a puddle in their bed. I am hopeful that they will be easy to train once they catch on and get a little older. They are more interactive and really enjoy snuggles, both want more and more and neither like to share the time, but whoever taught cats about sharing. They are awake for longer periods of time and playing more with each other. Lexi might be the "little" sister but man she can give her brother a what for like no other. She is going to be the bully sibling, you know the one that never lets the other sleep, gets the other in trouble, blames the other for everything and than beams at you with these melting eyes. Their weights today are great and I am quite pleased. Lexi gained 16G and is now 231G Jack yesterday was 264G today he is 289G a gain of 25G

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