Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Moving right along

Sorry about no post yesterday, I had a meeting at my daughters school which took most of the morning and then they shut power down on my street for the afternoon. Don't worry you didn't miss much. Babies are doing very well and spent some time away from home yesterday because we had no power and no means to keep them warm, so they went and spent the afternoon at Mary's. Their intake seems to have increased, I had started today letting them go for as long as 4hrs between feeds. It seems to be working well for them. Lexi is a bit concerning as her bowels have stalled, so with a lot of stimulation and warm water baths not helping I gave her a bit of mineral oil. She was so unhappy with me for making her take such vile stuff, but better to be mad at me than backed up and run into serious problems. I am hoping this gets things moving along, if not something else will be needed, just not sure what at this point. Both are getting bigger and more active, they enjoy snuggles and play time with humans but also enjoy playing with each other. Jack has some tremors, not sure why or if he will outgrow this as he gets bigger but for now there are no plans to take him to the vet as he is still much to young and small to find out the cause. If they persist or get worse he will certainly be off for a checkup. Their weights over the past 2 days have been awesome. The last you read Jack was 227G, today he is 264G a gain of 37G over the past few days, he actually is growing into himself and looks more kitten like now. Lexi was 172 and 2 days later is 215G (some of that might be poop) a growth of a whopping 43G in the past 2 days. She as well while still smaller than brother is looking more and more like a kitten. The fur of both babies is getting much thicker and fluffier. I am very happy with the way these 2 have been grown and their activity levals etc etc. I will get some new pics and post them this weekend. so you can see a weekly change in the pair.

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