Wednesday, July 13, 2011

If anyone told me I would resort to this

I would have run off gagging and refusing. Sometimes you do what you gotta do out of desperation.

Last week I found some 2 oz bottles and 2- 5 french tube feeders that you see taped onto a preemies face to feed them via a tube. There are 2 sets of 2 tiny holes at the bottom and the top has an adapter in it to feed formula or breast milk thru. Since they came in a package together I now have the 2 tubes that just are kinda sitting there on my dresser with no purpose. I put them to use today, NO I didn't tube feed Mouse, nor would I ever even try that as it is really dangerous and with no training, its to easy to drown a kitten instead of feeding it. They have another purpose and I found it tried it and it worked. Wanna know what it is/

If I insert the tube tip into Mouse's nostrils and suck on the other end, it draws out some of his snot. Not worried about going into my mouth as the tube A) is really long, I would probably end up sucking his brains out before it got to my mouth and B) there are a 2nd set of holes so what I suck out is drained out the 2nd set of holes. he doesn't like it, I mean who would want a tube in your only goes in about 2mm (just the tip) so not far at all but just enough to suck out his crud. It doesn't get it all but he was able to eat much better and he doesn't sound so snotted up and it did cause him to sneeze so he was helping me clear him out. I'm talking big sneeze, not tiny pathetic ones that do nothing. I will try again tonight to see if it helps again, and will probably enlist the help of Mary to hold him as its no easy task getting it in just that little bit.

I am sitting here watching Hope chase Ruby, Ruby catches her and hope gives a swat. Ruby goes back and gets another swat...Ruby is a loving poodle (cat mom) but she doesn't take clues to well the end of the night I expect she will have a scratch on the end of her nose lol.

Mouse did a good gain the past day and is now up to 294g. So about 12g. He is now catching up on his growing!!

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