Just after 4am this morning I am woken by a really loud shrill noise. Wasn't sure what it was until after I had rushed out of my bed to find the shrieking. It was my poor parrot, freaking out, he was in hysterics. Still didn't know why, so I turned a light on to see Hope was sitting on top of his cage batting at him. I opened up his cage so he could get away and he took off like wild fire. Grabbed Hope and locked her in the dogs kennel. I sat with my poor Echo bird who was really quite scared, panting and shaking. I was MAD. Not fair for me to be angry at the kitten who right from day one has shown some great prey instinct. It's my fault my Parrot nearly lost his life. With the heat as it was yesterday I didn't close the bedroom door, I didn't want to make Jilly or Hope to hot so I left it open. I didn't know she was able to scale the baby gate that blocks her in the room. Called Mary this morning and let her know that Hope needs to be placed now, due to this change. She agrees and I have faith that she will find another placement for her very quickly.
Mouse is doing well, he is getting very active. Again today he has been a bear to feed, the only way I can get him to eat enough is to bounce him while he is eating. He has always been quirky in his feeding positions but never did I think he would need to be bounced to eat lol.
Getting his weight is getting harder, he no longer will stay in the weigh bucket so I cannot get an accurate weight on him. Considering how well he is doing now, I think it's time to back off on the weigh ins every day. Maybe a few times a week now.
Because he is growing quickly and I cannot weigh him daily anymore, I will also back off on my blog. The days I weigh I will post. I will also post if anything significant happens with him.
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