Thursday, July 21, 2011

update from last nights update.

It's a crappy world we live in when our malaware protection allows malaware in. What a hassle, more like a royal pain in the rump. It's fixed now, or it seems to be though.

Monday I planned to move Mouse into the bigger room for the daytime and put him back in his infant bed at night. However, he is doing so well in the room that I chose to leave him there full time. he is happy and is starting to play a little bit. He still refuses to even try solid food on his own. I am gonna start getting tough on him and letting him miss one feed. Probably the 2nd feed of the day bc its the shortest interval, in hopes he will decide to try eating on his own. Typically momma cats will leave the nest for longer periods of time in hopes of teaching her children how to survive without her.

he has been a bugger to feed the past 2 days, I think probably the heat is the cause. At any rate, either my scale is not working right or he has done some major gaining.

yesterday the scale said he was 413g
Today the scale said 423g

I'm not sure that it's accurate, a 27g gain in 24hrs is possible but I didn't think he was eating all that much. I will see what it says tomorrow, but if he has truly gained 37g in 48hrs than he is doing amazingly well.

A story about Hope~*~

last night my daughter fell asleep with her tv on, I stepped over her gate to turn it off. Hope was the pillow watching me. As soon as I stepped over the gate, she stood up, put her back in that famous cat arch and started hissing and spitting at me. Either she is very protective or else I startled her when I stepped over the gate. I'm not sure which idea I like better. I love the fact that she adores Jilly but it also worries about when she leaves here and Jilly doesn't that she will miss her and stop eating etc etc until she gets settled. I hope I didn't make a mistake by allowing the 2 to be room mates.

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